Individual Consultations
Robin is available to consult with families on the admission processes to schools in New York City, nursery through 12th grade.
I am available to consult with families on the admission process to schools in New York City, nursery through 12th grade. My goal is to make the schools admissions process less daunting by providing concrete information; answering specific questions about the admissions process and particular schools, both private and public; helping to successfully navigate the processes and providing emotional support for families with their decisions as to which schools to apply and ultimately send their children. Please note that I consult on private ongoing schools throughout New York City, but private nursery schools and public schools in Manhattan only, as well as citywide public options.
I have four billing options, which are outlined below for your consideration. Parents may consult with me by Zoom, phone, email, or, when the time is appropriate, in my office. Ideally, I would like to make myself available to answer brief questions at no charge. However, I have learned that a “quick question” over the computer, phone or by e-mail, most often turns into a lengthy conversation. I thus now charge for Zoom, phone and e-mail consultations of over ten minutes.
I am knowledgeable about the areas being tested and types of questions on the AABL (Admission Assessment for Beginning Learners required by a limited number of private schools and administered by the ERB), the ISEE Primary (Independent School Entrance Exam) for grades 2nd to 4th, the SRT (School Readiness Task, administered by select private schools during child visits), the S-B (Stanford-Binet, required for Hunter College Elementary School), and the OLSAT and NNAT (Otis Lennon School Ability Test and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test required by NYC Department of Education Gifted and Talented Programs), as well as the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam), SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test), and SHSAT (Specialized High School Admission Test) for upper grades. However, I do not provide test preparation. Do note that these tests are subject to change at any time.
To help you in your decision process about choosing a consultant or whether you need one at all, I am happy to discuss with you, at no cost, how I work, my experience and how I may be of assistance, via a brief phone call or e-mail. Please note that once these communications become geared toward providing information and advice regarding issues relating to a particular child’s educational needs or about particular schools, they fall under my consultation realm.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about my services or fees. I look forward to working with you, if you are ever in need of my services.
Robin Aronow
Robin Aronow
Following a phone, email or office consultation, you are welcome to pay for the Straight Billing Option I by preferably using a Zelle account to [email protected] or by using a credit card or Paypal account by clicking on the Paypal buttons below. My Billing Options Packages II, III and IV require a signed contract and payment by check. Please note that rates are subject to change.
Billing Option I
Straight Billing
Straight Billing
Based on time spent
Please schedule an appointment at [email protected] prior to paying. After the session, you will be able to pay either by Zelle to [email protected], or here with a credit card or Paypal, based on time spent. My straight billing is as follows with the minimum bill being $190:
30 minutes: $190
45 minutes: $285
60 Minutes: $380
75 minutes: $475
90 minutes: $570
105 minutes: $665
See below for additional Individual Consultations package options. For more information, please contact Robin at: [email protected] or 212-316-0186.
Three 60-Minute Sessions and Unlimited
Brief Phone Calls or E-Mails
For this option, there is a one-time fee of $2,400 for three hours of services, plus unlimited phone calls or e-mail correspondences of under 15 minutes each. When phone calls or e-mails run longer than 15 minutes, a new fee will be negotiated. Sixty-minute services included in the package include a Zoom, office (when acceptable), or phone session; one essay review for applicant or parent(s); and/or interview prep for applicant or parent(s). These services may be selected in any combination. This package does not include communicating with schools to which you apply. Please note that this one-time payment is not refundable in any amount, even if allotted time is not fully used. Signed contract and payment by Zelle to [email protected] or check are required at initiation of service.
To purchase this package, please contact Robin at: [email protected] or 212-316-0186.
Billing Option II
Three 60-Minute Sessions and Unlimited Brief Phone Calls or E-Mails
Billing Option III
From Start to Finish
From Start to Finish
For this next option, there is a one-time fee of $12,000, which includes unlimited Zoom sessions, office visits (when acceptable), phone calls, and/or e-mail correspondences; interview preparation for applicant and parent(s); review of all applicant and parent essays, analysis of school transcripts and testing reports; consultations with other professionals; application tracking spreadsheet; progress check-ins; and conversations with schools where appropriate. This fee is per child; please contact me for pricing for twins/triplets or children of different ages applying at the same time. Please be aware that international clients may experience a surcharge due to added time expenditures. Please also note that this one-time payment is not refundable in any amount. Signed contract and payment by Zelle to [email protected] or check are required at initiation of service. A limited number of these packages will be offered in any admission season in order to give full attention to the families who choose this option.
To purchase this package, please contact Robin at: [email protected] or 212-316-0186.
Late Start Relocation or
Late Start Changing Schools Service
This option is for those families who are seeking a new school placement for their child or children for September, but learn late in the process after admission decisions are already made. The reason for the late start is due either to a family recently learning it will be relocating to NYC or to a sudden desire to change schools within NYC. Due to the abbreviated time period, for this one-time fee of $8,500, this option includes contacting schools to see which may still accept applications, as well as the services listed under Start to Finish, above. This fee is per child; please contact me for pricing for twins/triplets or children of different ages applying at the same time. Please be aware that international clients may experience a surcharge due to added time expenditures. Please also note that this one-time payment is not refundable in any amount. Signed contract and payment by Zelle to [email protected] or check are required at initiation of service. The exception to this fee is if my outreach to ongoing schools indicates there are no openings at the required grade level(s) and then the consultation will be charged by the amount of the time spent assessing needs and options.
To purchase this package, please contact Robin at: [email protected] or 212-316-0186.
Billing Option IV
Late Start Relocation or Late Start Changing Schools Service
Please note that rates are subject to change.
I look forward to working with you, if you are even in need of my services. Following a phone, email, Zoom or office consultation, you are welcome to pay for the Straight Billing Option I by Zelle, or by using a credit card or Paypal account via the “Add to cart” buttons. My Billing Options Packages II, III and IV require a signed contract and payment by Zelle or check.