Email Updating Service
In order to stay up to date with all the changes of admission procedures and deadlines that are taking place each season within the Department of Education, Robin offers an Email Updating service.

Keep Up With the Changes
It is extremely difficult for parents, and nursery or elementary schools, to keep up with all the changes of admission procedures and deadlines that are taking place each season within the Department of Education. To address this need, I have initiated an Email Updating Service for Kindergarten admission. As soon as I receive any relevant information in regards to Manhattan or Citywide G&T programs, procedures, deadlines, tours or important community meetings, I email this information to all members of my Updating Service.
Relevant Information in a Timely Manner
My information is compiled from my interactions with administrators in the Department of Education, at Hunter College Campus Schools, the Hunter College Center for Gifted Studies, the Citywide G&T programs, as well as from directors at, members of Community Education Councils, members of the City Council and the media. In addition, I continually review the district parent listserves at, local newspapers and the Department of Education website. Finally, I attend or consult with those who have attended pertinent community meetings.
While parents have access to much of the above information, my personal contacts often it make it easier for me to receive and clarify information, and I provide the service of sorting through all the materials to provide you with only the most relevant information in a timely manner. Please note that I will clarify issues related to an update of a general matter, but any questions of a personal nature will be subject to my consulting fees, and families will be so advised.

Sign Up Today
The service runs from approximately July 1st to June 30th and one may join at any time. (Back emails will be forwarded.) The cost for individual families is $75 a season for those applying to Kindergarten. Discounts apply to nursery schools, or 10 or more families from the same school joining at the same time. Please contact Robin for details on these discounts.
To subscribe to the Email Updating Service, please click on the Add to Cart button. Please remember to download the contract and email back to [email protected].
Email Updating Service for Kindergarten Public School Admission: $75
Download the Kindergarten Contract
and email back to [email protected].