K-5 and K-8 Schools

Robin provides a wide range of services that can be customized for your K-5 and K-8 School’s needs.

I provide a wide range of services to K-5 schools and K-8 schools. The schools may choose one or many services which will be priced accordingly:

  • Workshops: Workshops on applying to public and/or private middle and/or high schools in NYC.
  • School Search Materials: Information packets or resource handouts on applying to public and/or private middle and/or high schools in NYC.
  • Individual consultations with your families about school options.
  • Email updating service about public school admission procedures.
  • Consultation with school director about continuing educational placements or social/emotional needs for particular children and families, including advocating for your families with ongoing schools.
  • Distribution and analysis of a questionnaire in the late spring to help parents start thinking about what types of schools might be best for their child.
  • Applications Tracking: Setting up a computer spreadsheet program to keep track of those children applying to ongoing schools with regards to where applying, when recommendations were sent, deadlines and outcome.
  • Success Rate and Analysis: Tracking of where a school’s families apply and its success rate with particular ongoing schools to assess the relationship between those schools.
  • Post Exmission Questionnaire: Distribution and analysis of a questionnaire to parents about parent satisfaction with the school’s exmission process.

Robin Aronow


For more information, please contact Robin Aronow at:
[email protected] or 212-316-0186.